Get Rid of Back Arm Fat

Using This Simple Home Workout System

(No Special Home Gym Equipment Needed!)

If you already have shapely and sexy upper arms, this system is NOT for you


If you're either trying to get rid of those stubborn batwings (back arm fat)...

Or you've already tried but can't seem to find anything that works...

I have some very exciting news for you.

I am going to show you a super secret system that when performed correctly, will finally help to drastically reduce back arm fat (batwings) while toning and shaping your upper arms for that sleek and sexy look.

...All in the comfort of your home (no crowded gyms necessary) or hiring an expensive personal trainer.

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My name is Blake Bissaillion

I am the creator of Batwings Be Gone, a simple home workout system that makes it easy for you to get rid of back arm fat.

And without worrying about joining over crowded gyms or having to hire an expensive personal trainer.

I created the Batwings Be Gone program for one reason, to help people just like you to get rid of back arm fat and to build shapely, sexy and musuclar upper arms.

Arms that you can be proud of..

You see....

Growing up, I've always had these skinny little arms. Especially the backs of my upper arms (which were bascially...non existent!).

During my high school years I never wore t-shirts or tank tops. It could have been a 100 degrees out and I would go out with a long sleeve shirt.

I was just so damned self conscious about my upper arms that I didn't want anyone to see them.

I'd go to a high school party...

I'd wear a long sleeve shirt. I'd go to a dance...

I'd wear a long sleeve shirt. I'd go to the mall...

I'd wear a long sleeve shirt.

When I think about it now it all seems kind of silly but as a young, impressionable kid this was kind of a big deal!

So I did what I thought would help the most which was to start working out. I hit the weights like a madman. I was determined to build a pair of strong and muscular arms.

I did all the workouts from the fitness magazines (there was no internet back in those days)...

I did all the workouts my buddies were doing...

I did all the workouts that the pro's were doing...

I worked out in the morning and at night...

I tried all the different exercises and routines...

I worked my ass off and you want to know something? I got nada..NOTHING!

My arms were still super small. I had to find another way!

I Had Zero Arm Development!

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For all my effort and time I got zero results. I mean, it wasn't for lack of trying because I was giving it everything I had, day in and day out but still...nothing worked.

I couldn't figure it out...until one day...

I was working out at my local gym and noticed this one guy working out beside me who had these big, muscular arms.

I've never seen upper arms like those before. They were big, powerful and muscular.

So, I had to ask him how he built such a big pair of "guns".

He asked me what I was currently doing for my arms for which I explained in great detail my extensive routine.

He looked at me and simply said...

"That's not what you want to be doing buddy"

I was a little shocked by his blunt reply so I said...

"But this is the routine that Arnold Schwarzenegger uses!"

I will never forget his reply.

"You're not Arnold"

It was on that day that my entire perspective changed. Everything I thought I knew about building big, musuclar arms was TOTALLY wrong.

It was on that day that I had my big "aha" moment. When it all made sense and it "clicked" in my head.

Over the course of 6 weeks using his methods my arms started to transform. They got stronger! They got bigger! And best of all they got more muscular!

The backs of my upper arms started to take shape!

After 6 months of following my mentors advice, my arms completely changed!

They went from skinny and weak to big, shapely and muscular!

After 3 Months...

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After 6 Months...

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I learned something very valuable during those first 6 months

You can do all the push ups and arm curls in the world but if your process isn't structured for growth, it won't work.

Here's what I found out from following my mentors advice. When it comes to building shapely and muscular arms, it all boils down to 4 things:

A structured, dynamic process

Choosing the most effective exercises

Choosing the most effective method and techniques for optimzed muscle contraction

A conducive nutrition program

It's been close to 34 years since I first learned of this process (including the methods) and I've been optimizing it ever since.

Today, at the age of 51 I've perfected this system. My arms have never looked better!

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My upper arms are more shapely now than they have ever been!

Gone are the days of shying away from t-shirts and tank tops. Today, I am proud of my arms and show them off at every chance I get!

This is why I created the Batwings Be Gone program.

This is a 6 week system that will work for anyone regardless of your age or gender. Like many of you, I used all the wrong advice to develop my upper arms.

I would perform all the wrong routines and spend months performing them.

I would use all the wrong exercises!

I had no idea what I needed to do!

I had no idea how many sets or how many repetitions to perform.

I learned the hard way but thankfully, on that faithful day I met someone who knew how to build shapely and muscular arms.

I've been in the fitness industry for over 35 years and have been training men and women of all ages for the past 20 years.

Without a doubt, one of the biggest questions I've received over the years is...

How Do I Get Rid of This Back Arm Fat?

This is a very unique situation and unlike the belly or butt, this an area that we all have to show at some point.

And let's face it, we all want to look and feel good in a t-shirt, tank top or dress.

But getting rid of back arm fat and building shapely and sexy upper arms requires the right system.

If you're reading this now you've probably tried a bunch of routines and are struggling with:

- Feeling awkward in a gym and would rather not join a gym

- Something that isn't complicated or overly hard

- Knowing where to start and how to progress

- Overthinking what to do or how to do it

- Finding the right program that can be done at home

- Choosing the right exercises and how to perform them

- Finding a program that fits with your busy schedule

No matter what you try, you can't seem to get rid of that jiggly, back arm fat.

Here's the Truth About Getting Rid of Back Arm Fat

What you're told about getting rid of back arm fat is generally flawed, the exercise choice is way off and the program doesn't optimze muscle contractions.

FLAWED: The routines use the same static methods

Chances are, the programs you have been using are static in nature. All static programs will all end up stalling. It's only a matter of time.

Static programs are not designed to grow as you grow. They may work for a few weeks but ultimately, they will fail in the end.

And this is where everyone gets it wrong!

Here's what they don't tell you.

This program will stall out in 3 to 4 weeks and it is up to you to figure out how to make it work in the long term Weeks of wasted time and effort.

You need a place to start. From there a step by step map to outline how to grow and get rid of back arm fat.

EXERCISE CHOICE: They all use the same types of exercises and routine set up.

Google the term "getting rid of back arm fat".

Chances are, you are going to find the same old stuff.

- Do 10 push ups blah blah blah

- Do 12 dumbbell extensions blal blah blah

- Perform 12 dumbbell curls blah blah blah

- Do 8 diamond push ups blah blah blah

- Do 8 dips blah blah blah

- Eat this, eat that blah blah blah

It's the same of boring stuff that has been posted online for years.

You can do all the close grip push ups and triceps extensions in the world but if your choice of exercises doesn't grow as you grow, your program will FAIL.

MUSCLE CONTRACTIONS: Poor muscle contractions = Poor results

You're told to get rid of back arm fat is to perform close grip push ups, triceps dips, and triceps kickbacks.

But are you told how to contraction the muscles in the back of your upper arms properly? The muscles in the back of your upper arms (called triceps) need optimzed muscle contractions to grow.

This is your key to sexy and shapely upper arms.

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Instead, you need a dymanic system that will take you by the hand and outline a clear process on how to get rid of back arm fat

You need a system that will grow as you grow that will keep your program fresh and exciting.

I know you're busy.

I know you need something that works and doesn't waste your time and effort.

I know you're not a gym rat or have hours to workout each day.

I know you don't want to hire an expensive personal trainer.

You don't have to do any of this...

There is a BETTER way.

You don't have to join a crowded or pretentious gym. You don't need to workout for hours on end.

You don't have to be an expert. In fact, the Batwings Be Gone program is made for beginners.

You can perform all the workouts in the comfort of your home using only a pair of dumbbells!

No fancy equipment needed!

I will show you step by step how you can get rid of back arm fat and build a pair of sexy and shapely upper arms.

Let me introduce you to....

The Batwings Be Gone System

Finally, a 6 week system designed to help you get rid of back arm fat for a pair of sexy and shapely upper arms.

You don't need to perform hundreds of diamond close grip push ups to get rid of back arm fat. You don't need to do endless arm curls and triceps kickbacks to get results.

You only need a dynamic process that gives you a starting point, uses a structured progression and provides you with the right exercises.

The program is designed for beginners who don't know where or how to begin. Each workout is designed to build on the previous workout so you are always progressing.

You will never plateau. The workouts can all be done at home and only require a pair of dumbbells.

Each workout is short and only takes 20 minutes to perform. I've invested over 35 years into finding out what works best for getting rid of back arm fat in the fastest and most efficient way possible.

I've tested each exercise and have developed the most unique methods that will help strip away back arm fat for shapely and sexy upper arms.

There are no 50 plus hours of reading theory or a bunch of fluff that wastes your precious time.

There are no complicated routines and endless worksheets.

Instead you get a 6 week program that contains exactly what you need to do. So you can get results fast.

Includes exercise photos, descriptions, and how to videos.

Simply follow the program as it's laid out and watch the fat disappear from the back of your upper arms.

Here's How The System Works...

The Batwings Be Gone program is a 6 week program that uses progressive stages to help you achieve mindblowing results!

Simply follow the 6 week program as it's laid out.

It couldn't be easier. Start at weeks 1 and 2 and watch your results compound with each passing week.

Adaptation: Setting the Stage - Weeks 1 & 2

Discover which exercises are best to get rid of back arm fat!

How this one simple method will help set the stage for building sexy and shapely upper arms!

How this push up method will start to shape and tone the back of your upper arms - Even if you can't perform a single push up!

Comes with easy to follow instructions, descriptions, photos and videos!

Transition: Amplify Your Results - Weeks 3 & 4

Build on the first stage and take your results to the next level.

Discover this simple muscle contraction technique that will sky rocket your results in a matter of days!

Discover the one "magic" exercise that will transform the back of your upper arms overnight!

How this simple exercise combination will shape up your upper back (arm pit area) and tone the backs of your upper arms.

Find out what exercise combination works best for shaping and toning the front your upper arms and shoulders!

Perform this unknown method for a few workouts and watch your arms transform!

Comes with easy to follow instructions, descriptions, photos and videos!

How this one simple method can help build shapely and muscular biceps (front of your upper arms)!

Transformation: Flick The Switch - Weeks 5 & 6

Discover and deploy "secret" methods that will skyrocket your results for accelerated transformation!

How this one method can shape and tone your upper arms for that full, shapely look

How this one technique can literally, double your push up strength overnight!

Discover this simple static contraction method for out of this world results!

How this one exercise will transform the back of your upper arms, overnight!

Here's Everything You Get When You Buy The Batwings Be Gone System...

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The Batwings Be Gone System

Easy to follow 6 week system! ($69 Value)

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Specialized Home Arm Workout Routine

Easy to follow 20 minute home exercise system plus photos, instructions and videos! No fancy gym equipment needed (just a pair of dumbbells) ($49 Value)

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7 Day "No Fail" Weight Loss Meal Plan

My special “No Fail” weight loss meal plan including grocery list ($79 Value)

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Easy Body Measurement Tracking Charts

Easily track your progress using these easy to use body measurement tracking charts ($30 Value)

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My Secret Fat Burning Drink Recipe

All natural recipe! Chances are you already have these very simple ingredients in your cup board! ($19 Value)


Claim Four Free Bonuses With Your Order!

And because you are a first-time customer, when you purchase the 6 Step 30 Day Quick Start Weight Loss System today, I will also throw in these additional bonuses at no additional charge.

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2 Week "Stop Unhealthy Snacking" Program

($79 Value)

This simple 2 week system will help you overcome your unhealthy snacking habit and get on the road to a healthier lifestyle!

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How To Build Healthy Habits Guide

($29 Value)

A simple guide to help you reinforce healthy habits and get rid of bad ones!

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Immune Boosting Recipe Pack Including Guide and Resource

($34 Value)

15 delicious immune boosting recipes that will help strengthen and fortify your immune system! Includes grocery list planner and resources! Fitbit compatible!

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Healthy And Delicious Snack Recipe Pack

($39 Value)

17 healthy and delicious snack recipes! Fitbit compatible and comes with a grocery list planner

2 Special Bonuses!

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Special Bonus #1: My Secret Method to Shape and Tone Your Biceps and Triceps!

If you act today, I will send you my secret method for building, shaping and toning your upper arms!

Perform this secret method 3 times a week for shapely biceps (front of your upper arms) and sexy triceps (back of your upper arms). No special equipment needed!

This Extra Bonus is a time sensitive offer! Order your copy of the Batwings Be Gone System before the timer runs out below and get this Extra Bonus today!! ($49 Value)

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Special Bonus #2: My Special Method to Lose Weight Fast!

If you act today, I will send you my special method for losing weight FAST!

This is the exact same type of daily schedule I follow when I need to drop weight and body fat quickly and safely!! ($39 Value)

Why Spend Thousands On Personal Training Or Joining A Gym?

Here is what you would normally pay to hire a coach or fitness consultant to develop a personalized training program including a meal plan for 1 month:

Custom meal plan: $300

Custom training plan: $300

Support: $200

Total: $800

Why pay over $800 for a program that you’re not even sure will work? The methods in my Batwings Be Gone System have been proven to work!

Add the cost of a gym membership (which will average around $75 a month) and your monthly costs go through the roof!

Plus all of the bonuses are included and my 30 day money back guarantee!...

Here's Why This System Would Normally Cost $550

If I was to develop a personalized weight loss program including one on one training and nutrition (for one month) it would easily take 8 hours.

At $70 per hour it could easily turn into a pretty expensive month. I’ve condensed everything for you in an easy to follow 6 week step by step system that you can get instantly!

There is nothing to ship! I save you money on shipping and handling and you can get your hands on my system INSTANTLY!

Plus you get the system, exercises, videos, meal plan, daily schedules, tracking charts and bonuses!

Because of that I am releasing the Batwings Be Gone System at the lowest rate possible...

Normally $97 Today just $34.95!

Here's All You Need To Do Now...

To get your hands on the Batwings Be Gone System right now, have your credit card ready and use our secure order form.

Take 2 minutes to fill in the short action form and click the big button at the bottom of this page. You will be taken to the instant access download page.

If you have any questions email me at [email protected] and I’ll get right back to you.

Just fill out the form below now to get instant access…

My Personal 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!

I am so confident that the Batwings Be Gone System will work for you that if you’re not totally satisfied I will personally refund your purchase and you can KEEP the program plus all the bonuses!

Batwings Be Gone System


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